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100 Club

The Pronto Rugby 100 Club

    Please select your preferred Number:

    Please Note: We cannot guarantee your choice of number - your final number(s) will be confirmed by email upon receipt of payment. If you leave these options blank, you will be automatically assigned a vacant number upon receipt of payment.

    Please select how you wish to pay for your number(s):

    The purpose of the 100 Club is to raise money for the charities that we support here at Pronto Rugby, along with a little help to cover our annual costs in a painless way AND to reward its Members with Cash Prizes.

    Pronto Rugby supports two charities each year, currently Autism East Midlands & The Lighthouse Club Charity. A total of 50% of the ‘profit’ of this 100 Club will be donated to these two charities and the remaining 50% will assist Pronto Rugby in supporting our smaller projects, SEN School Gifts & Running Costs.

    There are a total of 4 Prizes available each month:

    1st Prize: £100

    2nd Prize: £60

    3rd Prize: £40

    4th Prize: £20 Club Shop Voucher


    On the 4th Sunday of each Month, we will conduct a live draw across our social media platforms, announcing the 4 winners. These winners will then also be published here on our website.


    Anyone over 16 years of age can become a member of the 100 Club and you are encouraged to get your family and friends to join.

    The subscription to the 100 Club for one number shall be £5 per month payable monthly or annually in advance dependent on the payment method chosen. This will provide members one number which will be placed in the draw each month. Members may have, and are encouraged to have more than one number.

    Subscriptions can be paid by BACS, Standing Order or Card Payment. Standing Order is encouraged for payment in order to keep the administration to a minimum. All monthly payments MUST be made on or before the 15th of each month.

    All 100 Club members must fill in an Application Form to confirm they agree to and abide by the Club rules.

    Payments can be made as follows:

    BACS PAYMENTS / STANDING ORDER: Payments MUST be made on or before the 15th of each month.  Bank account details for transfer will be provided when the application form has been submitted. We encourage you to create a Standing Order or repeating payment when making a BACS payment for ease of administration. Please use your name as reference.

    CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS: We can supply you with a payment link for the necessary amount whereby you can pay online via Credit & Debit Card. If you choose to pay monthly, we can ensure your card is automatically charged each month so you’re guaranteed to be in the draw.



    Numbers are allocated on a First Come First Serve basis and although we will endeavour to allocate you your chosen numbers, this cannot be guaranteed.

    Number allocation will be confirmed by email upon receipt of payment. We cannot reserve or hold numbers for anyone without payment.

      Please select your preferred Number:

      Please Note: We cannot guarantee your choice of number - your final number(s) will be confirmed by email upon receipt of payment. If you leave these options blank, you will be automatically assigned a vacant number upon receipt of payment.

      Please select how you wish to pay for your number(s):

      Members can cancel their entry to the lottery at any time by applying in writing/email to the Promoter. Refunds of subscriptions for draws that have taken place will not be refunded, however a refund of advance subscriptions will be allowed.

      Unless otherwise advised a member will be deemed to have left the 100 Club if his/her subscription remains unpaid for a period of one month. At this point their number may be sold to another existing or offered to a new member.


      We will double the number prizes for the Christmas Draw each year. That means there will be 8 Prizes drawn in December and the Prizes for the December Draw will be as follows:

      1st Prize: £125

      2nd Prize: £75

      3rd Prize: £50

      4th Prize: Pronto Rugby Hoody

      5th Prize: Pronto Rugby 1/4 Zip

      6th Prize: £25

      7th Prize: Pronto Rugby Polo Shirt

      8th Prize: Pronto Rugby Bobble Hat


      Winners will be notified by either email or telephone. Payment of prize winnings will be made by bank transfer no later than 14 days after the draw. If a winner cannot be contacted the winnings will be placed into the Pronto Rugby Charities Pot after 6 months.

      All members will be notified by email of the winning names and numbers. In addition the results will appear on the Pronto Rugby website and Facebook page.

      ROLL OVER:

      In the event of all 100 numbers not being sold in a month, and therefore a ‘vacant number’ being drawn, we will roll-over the prize to the following month.

      For example;  Number 48 is drawn for second prize (£60) but has not been purchased. Therefore the money will stay within the 100 Club and then rolled over to the prize fund for the following month and split equally across the first 3 cash prizes of the draw (meaning the prizes the following month would be £120, £80 & £60 – outside of the Christmas Draw)

        Please select your preferred Number:

        Please Note: We cannot guarantee your choice of number - your final number(s) will be confirmed by email upon receipt of payment. If you leave these options blank, you will be automatically assigned a vacant number upon receipt of payment.

        Please select how you wish to pay for your number(s):

        Frequently Asked Questions

        How much is it?

        Each Number is £5 per month.

        This can be paid either monthly or annually, whichever works best for you

        What Happens to the Proceeds?

        50% of the ‘Profit/Procceds’ will be donated to our charities. This money will be placed into our charity pot that is split equally between the two charities.

        The Remaining 50% will be kept in the Pronto Rugby pot. This will be to aid and support our smaller projects, SEN School Gifts and contribute to our running costs

        When and where is the draw?

        All draws will take place on the 4th Sunday of each month. They will be streamed live across our social media channels.

        Can I pick my own numbers?

        Subject to availability, YES. All numbers are allocated on a first come, first serve basis following successful payment. We cannot therefore guarantee your number until we have received your payment and cross-checked the records.

        What Happens If I don't Pay?

        If you don’t keep up your monthly subscription, unfortunately you will not be able to hold your chosen number and could therefore be sold/offered to others

        How do I collect my Winnings?

        All winnings will be paid by BACS direct to the winners bank account no later than 14 days after the draw (subject to making contact with the winner).

        If a Club Shop Voucher is won, this will be emailed direct to the winner no later than 14 days after the draw and will be valid for 12months.

        Who can buy a number?

        Our 100 Club is open to anyone over the age of 16.

        You do not have to be a member of Pronto Rugby – please fee free to spread the word amongst your friends and family

        Are you licensed to run a Lottery?

        Yes, we have registered with North Northamptonshire Council and Pronto Rugby Ltd are registered to run a Small Society Lottery. If you wish to view our certificate you can do here.