The School:
For many, the most rewarding part of the trip is the visit to a Special Needs school and this year was no different.
Having forged a relationship with Phuket Panyanukul School, we were able to arrange a visit during our trip. Following the generosity of our supporters, sponsors, players, families & friends we were able to raise enough money to fund x6 Water Coolers, 180 Bath Sheets & 180 Robes (all equipment the school had highlighted to us previously that would be welcomed and is much needed).
Upon arrival, we were greeted by students and staff who them welcomed us with an assembly of thanks. We took the time to engage with the students (via staff to interpret) and thank them for their hospitality before presenting them with the items purchased by Pronto Rugby.
We were then able to join the students outside to engage in some small games and ball handling drills with them for the rest of the morning. The guys split themselves amongst the students to take part in different activities.
Seeing the students smile and thrive on being around our tourists really does make the trip worth while.